There are 2 schools of thoughts when planning a Walt Disney World Vacation.
Buy your tickets and explore as you get there. If something looks good, go ahead and stop, and do it.
Plan, Plan, Plan. Buy the guide, read the blogs pour over the maps of the parks make your dinner reservations 180 days in advance.
Before I had kids I was the first one. My husband and I went, we rode some rides, looked at stuff etc. No real planning.
For our upcoming trip in January I am definitely the second type. I have been researching like crazy. So while researching I began to think what are some things to know when planning your Disney Vacation?
What kind of Disney vacation are you hoping for? Are you wanting to stay on a disney package ( to stay on their property, get the meal plan) Are you wanting to stay at a different hotel, get a rental car do other things besides the park.
How many days do you want to go for? What parks are you wanting to go to?
What is your budget?
Once you have that all figured out you can plan what you do at the individual park. As a parent, I now want my child to see her favorite characters and attractions associated with them. I would hate to come home and realize I missed a whole section of a park.
Some things to consider
Are there any special places you want to eat while at a park? You can begin to reserve dining 90 days before your trip. I waited a few days because I was out of town, when I got back a few days later( making it like 177 days out) the restaurant I wanted was already booked for dinner on all of the dates we are there. I had to settle for a lunch reservation
How busy is it going to be when you are there?
What are the top attractions you want to see at the parks you are visiting?
All of this can be overwhelming and time consuming. This is where having a travel agent can help. They can do research for you and present you with options for lodging and help you with the planning process.

I am also planning to enjoy this place trip with my family members and I will enjoy it before